martes, 4 de febrero de 2014


You have to  visit the web page of bitstrip and make your own character (it has to look like you as much as possible), in classroom I'm going to tell you how to make your own character.

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014


Welcome to the blog of 4 º ESO (Secondary school) A and B of IES DONOSO CORTÉS,  Don Benito (Badajoz). These groups are in the bilingual section.

 Here you will find all the information about the activity: FUNNY MATH, here you can make comments and write everything you want to know about this activity.

We will analyse the book: THE DEVIL OF NUMBERS, work history of mathematics through comics, solve some puzzles, ...

Also we are going to use the Google tools and applications: Calendar, Gmail, Maps, Earth, Blogger ...

This activity is part of  ITEC Project (Designing the future classroom) ITEC, means Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom, is a four year, large-scale project starting in September 2010. iTEC will design, build and comprehensively test scalable learning and teaching scenarios for the future classroom. You can watch videos about this project in youtube.

I am deeply sorry but in the future, I am not going to translate the news.

Bienvenidos al blog de 4º ESO A y B del IES DONOSO CORTÉS de Don Benito. Aquí encontrarás toda la información referente a la actividad MATEMÁTICAS DIVERTIDAS y realizaremos todos los comentarios y opiniones oportunos.
Analizaremos el libro: EL DIABLO DE LOS NÚMEROS, trabajaremos la historia de las matemáticas a través del cómic, resolveremos algunos acertijos,...
Utilizaremos además las herramientas y aplicaciones de Google:Calendar, Gmail, Maps, Earth, Blogger...